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Volunteers Needed

At the end of this season, several members of the committee will be hanging up their boots. Their roles will need to be filled by other volunteers.

The club relies on the committee to oversee the smooth running of the club. Without a committee, there is no club, and no football at Waterbeach.

The committee meets for a couple of hours every month. If you feel that you do not have enough time to fulfil one of these roles but are still interested in helping, there are other things you can get involved in. These include helping with the Football Tournament and Beer Festival.

We currently have vacancies in the following roles:

Chair – oversee the running of the club and ensure that it is run efficiently and managed appropriately; chair committee / club meetings and provide leadership in various areas; represent the club externally with other groups such as Parish Council and Urban & Civic; liaise with other rec users.  With the General Secretary, represent the club at local FA and Leagues.  Several hours a month.


Vice Chair – support and deputise for the Chair. Occasional lead on disciplinary/sensitive matters. Taking on other tasks as needed.  Several hours a month.


Fixtures & Referees Secretary – responsibility to ensure we are "match-ready" each week, in liaison with the Pitch Co-ordinator. Main tasks are to communicate with the Leagues about fixture changes and postponements and as per League rules; to appoint referees to home matches; to ensure the Tea Bar Co-ordinator is notified of any changes. Up to 1 hour a week.  Occasional extra around referees’ recruitment/support.

Safeguarding/Welfare Officer – to work alongside our existing SWO. Ensures that the club operates a safe, child-friendly environment and promotes good practice in line with the club’s safeguarding and child protection policies; responsibility for ensuring all coaching volunteers have an in-date FA DBS in place, and in-date training (safeguarding, first aid etc).  A few hours a month.  We want to develop opportunities for young players to get more involved in the club, have their say and be properly represented - this could be a really exciting area for our SWOs to lead on.


Tea Bar Co-ordinator - co-ordinate tea bar rota across the teams each week, allocating times as per the home matches schedule, keeping looped in with Pitch Co-ordinator and Fixtures/Referees Secretary about KO times and any changes to these (20 mins per week);  keep the tea bar topped up with stock every couple of months, disseminate info to teams re clearing up.


Parent Representatives - we need a minimum one per team - but we suggest two per team is better - provide representation of parents and a route of communication between parents and coaches and parents and committee; keep coaches / committee up-to-date on emerging issues / raise any concerns as needed; disseminate info from committee to parents; provide practical /admin support to coaches; ensure the team has a rota for covering tea bar slots at each home match; encourage parents to volunteer at club events such as tournament and beer festival.  Note parent reps are encouraged to delegate some of these tasks to other parents in the team and encourage wider parental support. 


Events Officers (x 2) who can take leadership roles on events planning and co-ordination for the annual tournament and beer festival; will include in the first instance recruiting a small events taskforce to support.  A couple of hours a month with busier periods in the run up to events.

If you are interested or want to discuss any of the roles, please contact a member of the committee or contact the  club chair Elly Ruston at

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